Purpose & Goals

Who we are
Membership in the Cypress Landing Yacht Club is open to all property owners in Cypress Landing and slip leaseholders at Cypress Landing Marina. Owning a boat is not a requirement. If you have an interest in recreational boating and enjoy the fellowship associated with boating, then this club is for you.

We have programs and activities in the social, recreational, outreach, and educational areas. Membership has grown to over 349 families. New members are welcome at any time.

Membership application forms are available here on the web site, at the CLYC Members' Lounge at the Cypress Landing Marina; or by visiting the direct link.
Purpose / Goals
  • Social: to provide a setting for those involved in boating to gather together to share common interests
  • Recreational: to encourage the active participation in boating. 
  • Outreach: to encourage and coordinate joint activities of the yacht club with other yacht clubs and boating associations in the regional area and across the nation. 
  • CLHOA Liaison: to coordinate the activities of the Cypress Landing Yacht Club with the Cypress Landing Home Owners Association.
  • Educational: to promote safety in boating and encourage proficiency in all aspects of seamanship. 
  • Cypress Landing Marina Committee: to assist the Marina Committee by identifying the interests of slip owners and boaters in the management of the marina and establishment of reciprocity policies for visiting Yacht Club members.